Thunder Bay – Council Wants To Look Into Designated Homeless Encampment Sites

Hopefully our high salaried residents of City Hall have consulted the City of Thunder Bay legal staff.  The very staff that require taxpayers spending $1 million renovating office space in the Whalen Building. Yes THAT legal staff.

I feel that our high salaried residents of City Hall, by designating encampment sites, will expose the City of Thunder to potential lawsuits.  I am afraid that we taxpayers will be held financially liable for anything that happens to any of the mentally ill, drug/alcohol addicted, employment averse encampment residents or a combination of thereof.  The last thing we taxpayers need is making any or all of the urban campers millionaires.   There are lawyers that will jump at the chance to shakedown a city for a huge financial bonanza.

I think these encampments need to be discouraged.   Tolerating them only encourages them.   Where do the unhoused go in the winter?   Funny that there are no encampments in the winter.  Only in the summer.  Strange.