Thunder Bay – Monday

Looks good this morning.  Some reflections

Looks nice.  The geese wanted to get into the photos

I might be able to get a photo of the lighthouse silhouetted in front of the sun.


There we go

Nice photo

I see the City of Thunder Bay has been making repairs to the sidewalk.  My understanding is that this repair is only temporary.  We will see.  Temporary has a way of becoming permanent in this city.  Just look at the marina.

I see that Sam the snake has increased in length.

This is the last addition to Sam.  Not a rock.

The things you see laying on sidewalks in this city.  The brush looks new.  I suspect the person received this brush for free. Decided it was not something he/she/? wanted.  Tossed it.

Trash in context

Trash in context.