Canada – How Will Liberals Pay For Billions In Promised Spending?

Housing Crisis, Packed Hospitals and Food Lines: Even in Canada?

The country currently is $1.2 trillion in debt.  That debt is increasing at a rate of $4.5 million per hour. Sooo, the country can’t afford to pay for the failing fiscal situation it is finding itself in right now…..The country is broke.

Now you have fearless leader Justin announcing hundreds of billions MORE dollars in proposed future spending and we have not even got to an election campaign.  Election campaigns are traditionally mass vote buying events with members of the ruling government party handing out hundreds of millions of dollars in their ridings so they will get reelected.

Some recent spending announcements….

Trudeau government announces billions more for the military — but still won’t meet NATO’s spending target

How will Liberals pay for billions in promised spending, loans? Freeland won’t say if wealth taxes coming

My question exactly.  Where is the Federal Government going to get all of the money to pay for all the spending announcements?

Increased taxes?  Increased debt?

Nobody wondering? Where are all of those dollars going to come from?