Thunder Bay – Monday – Eclipse Day

Was not expecting much this morning as the sky had a lot of clouds. Long exposures produced this


You can see where the sun would appear if the clouds allowed it…but they don’t

Interesting clouds

The morning sky. Click on image to enlarge

A touch of colour in the clouds

Click on image to enlarge

Vandalism or maintenance?

I’m going to go with vandalism because this is Thunder Bay. Vandalism runs rampant here.

I have noticed this for years.  In fact, It started to look like this right after the Marina Park fountain was built.  It looks like the fountain has sunk.   This could be the intended design. Looks like crap but this is not he only park feature  that looks like crap.  There are many.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Are you not glad that you are recycling?  Too bad none of this is being recycled. All of this is headed to the landfill site.  You see anything in there that can be be recycled?

Why?  I believe that the whole recycling program is a sham anyway. How much actually gets recycled?  previous related post here and here

Half gone?  Trash in context