Thunder Bay – Friday

Clear sky morning. We have a moon over the giant.  And no wind to speak of.

Clouds make a difference.  Just the right amount of clouds located in just the right part of the sky is a lot to ask for.  Happens rarely but when it does, it makes getting up for all of those grey or clear skies worthwhile. You just never know what the sky situation is until you get there.  You play the hand you are dealt.  Its good practice to try and get and get at least one half decent photo even if the conditions suck.  Unless you are a pro of course.  They wait until conditions are just right to get that ‘perfect’ photo. I am not a pro.

and here comes the sun

and so the day begins.

I know there is a photo in this spot somewhere.  I will find it one day.

Polar Plunge tomorrow. Starts around noon.

Fenced off this area. Why? Not sure.  They moved the pit toilet soo the reason must be important.

The scene of the crime.

Still not repaired.

Might be time to fix this soon.   If it is dangerous enough to set up barricades around the pole, it is worth fixing ASAP.  Safety?  Protecting the public?  Not job 1 in this city.

Still some ice patterns

If you are looking for protection against viruses, I am sure this type of mask is not the answer. You need N95 type of masks.  You must be clean shaven to ensure a tight seal.  If you do not have a tight seal around the mask, it is not going to stop any viruses.  These mask are meant to protect against bacterial spread mostly.

Do your own research.