Thunder Bay – Tuesday

W have a promising sky this morning.  The clouds look good. We will see the sun today.

This is the kind of thing you want to see


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Very strong colours.  If the ice was gone and the water surface was still, mirror-like, this will  have been really amazing. Still, very impressive.

and now the sun appears.

and o the day begins

Trash in context. Not a fan of that truck parked sooo close to a crosswalk but in Thunder Bay, nobody cares about thee things until someone gets hit by a vehicle.  THEN people will care. This city is reactive and not proactive.

Quite the sky now.

Because of a pair of trains blocking the level crossing at Camelot Street, I had to use the pedestrian overpass.  Someone did not enjoy their fries.  This is the corner that is used as a urinal by the POSs that hang out in the overpass.

No rush in replacing that glass.  Why rush when its just going to get broken again soon.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context

?  What was here?  A parking meter?

Trash in context.

Trash in context

Trash in context.  Another example of this city’s slow transformation into a shithole. A large shithole.

I am sure there is a story behind this.