The World – Climate The Movie

Watch it now before it gets taken down.    This is what I have been saying all along.  Climate change fear mongering has nothing to do with saving the planet or the life on it, its all about money.  Making huge amounts of money. Money taken out of your pockets and put into the pockets of giant corporations and the billionaires that control them.  Its also governments using the climate change fear mongering to pass legislations to tighten complete control over every aspect of your life.

There is now a Climate Change Industrial Complex.  It has become a trillion dollar industry with tens of thousands, maybe millions  of jobs dependent on Climate Change being real.  Go against this industry at your own peril.  No climate crisis, no government money. No government money, no climate jobs.

I repeat, we are in a glacial minimum.  In between glacial maximums.  The climate is warming. Its been warming for thousands of years.  It is supposed to warm.  This ice age cold/warm cycle has been taking place for millions of years.

This movie needs to be shown in schools.  The truth needs to get out. We are being lied to.

previous related posts here and here