Thunder Bay – Tuesday

This week is looking like its going to be a real challenge to take even one half decent photo. No sunrise photos this morning Another painted rock. Things are trying to brighten up. I noticed this… and then I noticed this… Sooo I followed the trail Not sure where this trail begins. It looks like … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Can weather go from bad to worse?  Yes. Yes it can.  That white stuff is snow.  Freezing rain crystals actually.  Those crystals were being fired at my face by the strong wind.  Pain. Noticed this. A painted rock.  A carrot. Sooo I picked up the rock carrot and moved it over to Sam the Snake.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Sky showing some promise this morning Sadly, by time I got down to the waterfront, clouds have moved in Your morning sky As goos as it got? A very slight touch of colour. Emphasis on the ‘slight”. Shows desperation. A photo of the camera taking a photo The mistake on the lake today Trash in … Read more

The World – 10 Reasons Why EVs Can Never Dominate Transportation Part 1

What he said…. Our governments are spending billions of our tax dollars to force the public to adopt a technology that is nowhere near ready.  Its more expensive, less dependable, more dangerous and does not really lower the carbon footprint of public transportation.  Its very unpopular.  You have to PAY people to buy them.  Governments … Read more

The World – US Border Crisis Being Used In US To Push Digital ID

Coming to a country near you. Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies  will be sold to the public as tools of convivence.  Ease of travel. Ease of purchasing.  Life will be great. How are digital IDs working out in China?   Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies when combined with a Social Credit system … Read more

Thunder Bay –

Not much of a day weatherwise.  Went out anyone for the exercise.  Took my point and shoot along.  This is all there was that had any colour in it and did not require me to shoot into the wind.  There was a constant drizzle going on.

Canada – QR Code To Leave The Island

 This is how it starts.  Just a little bit at a time. Of course it has to start in Quebec.  That province’s government has  issued some of the most Draconian edicts in Canada, maybe the world.  Requiring showing ID to leave or return to your community is exactly what is going on in China … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Another clear sky morning.  Once again, I am going to concentrate on the lighthouse as there is little else to photograph down here at sunrise today. Some geese get into the shot. Nice coloured sky Trying to maneuver myself into position to get the sun rising behind the lighthouse Now its just a waiting game … Read more