Thunder Bay – Friday – Good Friday

Lots of flashing lights at the DSSAB ‘shithole’ located at the intersection of Cumberland and Water Streets.  Three fire trucks and a police vehicle. I don’t think a week goes by where I do not see a fire truck or an police vehicle or an ambulance located in front of that building.  DSSAB buildings are shitholes.  You do not want one located anywhere near your neighbourhood.

Are all DSSAB residential buildings ‘shitholes’?   It my opinion that the answer is yeas.  Yes they are.

Clear sky. Little wind.  There will be some colour around the horizon but that’s all. Click on above image to enlarge.

The sun.

Looks cold.


and so the day begins

Trash in context. I am starting to think that people are leaving their trash in places specifically for me to photograph.

Trash in contex

Trash in context.

Someone did not like the fruit included in their meal. Probably got it for free.  I doubt if they paid for it, they would be tossing the pieces of fruit.  I am not buying the story that people in this city are having a hard time getting good food.   I see too much good food thrown away.

Luckily there is a paper straw in this plastic bottle.  We are saving the planet one straw at ab time.  Of course the bottle is plastic and it will end up in the landfill site. Nobody cares about plastic bottles. Just straws.

An attempt at fine art.

The Easter Bunny was here.