Canada – What If?



What would Justin Trudeau and his attack dog Steven Guilbeault do 25,000 years ago when the planet started to warm and the three kilometer thick sheet of ice that covered Canada began to melt?  Would they put a carbon tax on fire?

Twenty five thousand years ago, the climate started to change. The planet began to warm. Long before the industrial revolution. Long before the invention of the automobile. Long before coal.  Long before fossil fuels.

In fact, this planetary  freeze/thaw cycle has been going on for millions of years.  Why is that?   Explain how the warming that is taking place on earth now did not start 25,000 years ago. Explain why we can’t expect. at some time in the future, that the planet will once again start to cool.  Explain why we can’t expect that sometime in the distant future, there will ice sheets covering 25% of the planet’s land area again as it has several times before.  Is this not a climate cycle that is beyond our control because we do not know why it happens?  Is it not possible that by trying to “fix” the “problem” of climate change, we will make things in the future much worse?

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