The World – Plastic: Burn It Or Eat It?

Yes, the recycling program paid by us taxpayers, is a scam.   What happens to all of that plastic etc that is supposed to be recycled?  Do you know?

What I do know is the only way to deal with all of this is to reduce the stream of plastic.  That or burn it.

‘Matter of great concern’: Scientists find microplastics in human placenta for 1st time

We all have plastic in our bodies now.   Our food has plastics in it.  Not hearing anyone talking about this.  Why not?   No money to be made from it.  Lots of money made from plastic production.  Lots of money.  No money from reducing the amount of plastic in the world.  Most plastics cannot be recycled.  Even if it could, its very expensive, A money losing proposition.

Sooo, lots of money is made from plastic production.  Who do we know that likes money? That needs money?  Politicians of course.  They need money to get reelected.  Getting reelected is a politician’s  Job #1.  We taxpaying citizens, The Great Unwashed, the future people who will be starving while freezing in the dark, are not even in a politician’s job top 5.  Maybe not even in the top 10.

Are Carbon Taxes another just ‘environmental solution’ scam?  Something that takes money out of your pocket in order to make you feel like you are doing something to help the planet?  Do you really believe that Carbon Taxes will do anything else other than make life more expensive? Is it actually making any kind of difference as far as the planet’s climate is concerned?  Will it?  previous climate change elated posts here.

previous related posts here, here, here, here, here