Thunder Bay – Monday – Last Full Day Of Winter

Spring begins tomorrow at 11:06 pm.

Partly cloudy. Lots of blue sky. Sadly, the blue sky was nowhere near the horizon.

Not going to watch the sun rise this morning.  And its cold.

There was some colour over there

Just not over there.

Clouds turning pink

As good as it got today

One of the things the city can do with the Pool 6 property is keep the trails open all year round.  Considering this city cannot afford to keep public transit running on Christmas and New Years Day but it CAN afford to spend one million dollars on renovating office space in the Whalen Building, I am not surprised that it cannot afford to keep a rec trail open year round.   The city is broke.  It just does not acknowledge that fact.

I see these logs every day.  I wonder what their story is?

These Marina Park lights were a mistake.  They are too easy to vandalize.

What is in there?  Looks like a mini tripod.

There is still ice out there.  This cold snap has slowed the melting process but not stopped it.

Gulls hanging out on the ice.

These two gulls like this spot. They are anti-social.

A popsicle?   Yellow…banana flavour?