Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Clear sky this morning.  I think this morning, the ice is going to be more interesting than the sun.  The ice will soon be gone.  Right now, it looks very cool.

There are some clouds but they are far off and low.

Cloud?  UFO?

and here comes the sun.

and so the day begins

Calling for its mate.

The sad thing is there is a trash can only a few steps away.

Someone was given this apple as part of a snack/lunch. They ate whatever was in the plastic bag and the granola bar (you can see the discarded wrapper) . Nothing wrong with the apple.  When I see discarded fruit such as this, I think of all the work/travel that took place to get that apple from wherever it was grown to this snack/lunch only for the person to toss it on the ground.  People talk about the high cost of groceries.  Not the price of apples, by the looks of it.   People are not hungry or poor if they can afford to throw perfectly good food away.  I wonder who paid for this apple?  Taxpayers?

Trash in context.  There is money out there as I see a lot of fast food trash laying around.  Fast food is no longer cheap.

Trying to figure out what this discarded food item is. An apple or a potato?  I’m going with apple. Another tossed apple.