Thunder Bay – Monday

Trash in context.  There must be tens of thousands of these cups laying all over the city.  They are everywhere.  Everywhere except in trash cans where they belong.

Not looking very good this morning.

A bit of red.

Oh well…

We ended up with this

Better than nothing I guess but just barely.

The sun is back there.

Then it turned into this.

Trash in context

Trash in context.

Trash in context.  It has 60% less sugar.  But fruit juice has sugar in it. At least a part of  what makes up sugar…Fructose.   So what exactly is in this?

Won’t need these for much longer

Water bottle photo

You know, I keep harping on about the large amount of trash I see laying around.  Lots of cans, bottles and cups, wrappers and paper.  But the largest amount of trash, by numbers, are cigarette butts.  Smokers feel that they can just toss the butts and empty packs anywhere they want.  No matter where you stand in this city, I am sure you will always be able to see a discarded cigarette butt.  They are that plentiful.  I guess they are not considered trash. Not considered litter.  Why not?  What gives smokers the right to toss their cigarette trash on the ground?  They feel entitled and I want to know why.  I now believe that if cigarette butts are OK to throw on the ground, then all other trash such as cans, bottles and cups, wrappers and paper etc can be thrown on the ground as well.  It only seems fair.  Either nobody litters or everyone litters.  I now encourage everyone to just throw their trash on the ground anywhere they want. What is good for smokers is good for everyone else.

If you are standing outside, you are never more than a metre away from a spider at any given time. This may be true.  Spiders are everywhere.  I went into Midjourney and created this.  In Thunder Bay, you are never more than a metre away from a cigarette butt spider.

I am sure there is a story behind this.  I don’t know what it is.