The World – The Planet’s Magnetic Poles Are Shifting. Nobody Seens To Care.

Soooo what are our governments doing to prepare for this?  Nothing.  The Carbon Tax and all the EVs in the world ain’t going to do shit to help you and me survive this.

The shifting of the planets magnetic poles.  Its going on right now.  The earth’s magnetic shield is weakening. That leaves us unprotected from the sun’s radiation as well as its Coronal Mass Ejections.  A large ejection released when the shield is extremely weak has the potential of frying all of our electricity infrastructure.  That is bad considering that we are being pushed further and further into depending on electricity for our very survival.  Today, what does not run on electricity?  Now imagine if the electricity was cut off in one day.  Cut off and not coming back fora year?  Two years?  Maybe longer?

I don’t think is nothing. Why is it being ignored?