Thunder Bay Saturday – Daylight Savings Time Starts Tomorrow – Spring Ahead One Hour

Clear sky they said.

Clear sky they said

and it was everywhere except along the horizon where the sun rises.  On that horizon was a wall of clouds. Hurrah!

We will get to see the sun this morning.  Once it clears that wall of clouds.  I am not expecting much with this setup we have here.

Some colour waaaaay over there.

Nothing over thrwe.

The sun is working its way up

The sun is peeking out


and there it is.

and so the day begins.  Still looks nice with the long shadows and all.

Still cold in the morning.  Not -20C cold but still feels cold. Slight wind from the north.

The ice is taking a beating.

There is still some ice around on land.  Not a lot.  Some patterns do exist if you look hard and use your imagination.

Trash in context.  An empty Popeyes chicken box and a French fry.  Could have put this in the trash can which is located about ten metres away.  But nooo..

An apple that was discarded before the snow fell has reappeared.

Soon.  Shipping season is only a week or so away. Expect to see an icebreaker in the harbour next week.

Deja Vu all over again. I could swear that I took this same photo last Saturday.   Does this mean that nobody picked up this empty carton of Kelly’s finest rotgut wine all week?  Its worth 40 cents.  The can/bottle/carton collector are normally very thorough.  Not like them to miss a gem like this.

Trash in context.  Cigarette butts as well.  I am starting to believe that this city has become a giant trash can.

A toque.

The remnants of a Happy Meal. With the addition of the can of  hair spray, it becomes a very Happy Meal.  Does McDonald’s sell hair spray?  What would it be called? McHairspray?

Water bottle photo


Trash in context. A crushed red Solo cup.  Nice bright colour.

Trash in context. Left behind by someone waiting for the bus.  Lots of trash around bus stops in this city.

A new style of traffic cone?

I came upon a fork in the road
Left or right, fate untold
So I stood for a moment,
And pondered my case
I came to realize
I had come to that place

A simple decision
Left or right
And the man I am
Will then come to light

I saw a sign each
In front of the roads
Explaining the rules
If that I should go

To the left
Carry not coin or purse
Faith will be your guide
Come better or worse

To your right
Collect riches and friends along the way
But, whichever path you choose
There you must stay

I chose the right path
My life was full and gay
I wish I had taken the left
Why? I cannot say.

Not sure about the ‘gay’ part though… The meaning of the word has changed quite a bit since that poem was written.