Thunder Bay – Thursday

I tried to get fancy and take some long exposure shots of traffic.  Get some headlight line steaks.  In this one, you can see just how uneven (seriously) Water Street is just by the vehicle headlights.

It was supposed to be overcast and it was, just not along the horizon. We have some nice pinks this morning.

Nice pastel look. Could be taken out of a Wes Anderson movie.  He likes this colour pallet.

Colours got intense

Not going to see the sun today.

Looks like someone decided to take their vehicle up on the site of the former Pool 6 grain elevator,

Skates are still there. Its a shame. A pair of good skates left out unprotected against the environment.  Another example of how free stuff have no value.  There is no way that these skates were purchased by the person/persons that left them there.

Trash in context.

Trash in context.

A bag of cookies?

Could have used a a can as an ashtray.  Place the butts in the can. But noooooooo. This is disgusting. As I have said severable times before, smokers are the worst litterers in the city by far.  Second place is not even close.