Thunder Bay – Saturday

Mostly clear sky this morning   Not a lot of clouds that could produce some colour this morning   Nice What few clouds that are on the scene are doing their best to put on a show Looks like this is as good as it gets The sun makes its appearance and so the day … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Looks full Mostly clear sky Interesting cloud formation.  Might be good this morning but it is very cold. We have some reds and then they fade away The sun is back there somewhere Oh well, standing in the dark trying to avoid frostbite, was not a complete waste of time today. Ice patterns Ready for … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Mostly overcast but the clouds look promising. That is red You sure can tell where the sun will be showing up   Nice Reds are fading Does not look like we will see the sun Well, we did have some nice colour this morning The “mistake on the lake” construction site today. Trash in context. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mostly clear sky. We will see the sun this morning. I like the pastel look Some red showing up   Here comes the colour Coyote Not bad. The sun is close There it is.  Did you know that when you see the sun clear the horizon, it is an optical illusion?   Sunrises and sunset are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another reusable shopping bag busy saving the world. Well, its not completely covered with clouds Some colour Even a glimpse of the sun As good as it gets? Remnants from yesterday’s Snow Day Even snowshoes were out yesterday I wonder how busy it was yesterday. It was cool, temp wise. We do have some trash … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Family Day

Fairly clear sky and very cold We will see the sun today The sun. Why does it seem to get colder once the sun makes its first appearance? and so the day begins Not sure what activities take place here during the weekend. Trash in context  

The World – War Is A Racket

 What he said.  Seems that there has been a war taking place somewhere in the world forever.  Why?  Money. Its all about the money. Governments are always looking at ways to take the money out of your pocket and put it into the pockets of giant corporations and the elites that own them.   Why? … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – World Whale Day

  Whenever I pass this area in the morning and the wind is blowing, the shadows on the ground are moving around.  The sensation is very disturbing.   It looks like the ground is moving. Not a lot out ther this morning. There is that I might hang around for a bit to see what happens.  … Read more

Canada – Tiny Homes Project Benefiting Students And Indigenous Communities

Tiny homes project benefiting students and Indigenous communities For Grade 12 Hammarskjold High School student Hunter Ritch, the program that he’s been involved with for the last couple of years hits close to home. Ritch – who is from Eabametoong First Nation – is part of KZ Lodge, which is an Indigenous skilled trades training program … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – World Human Spirit Day

  Early morning at the former Pool 6 office.  Normally, there is nobody there on there weekend.  Not this Saturday.  Snow Days festivities take place on Sunday and Monday. Setup is today.  Lots to do. Another mostly overcast morning.  A little colour on the horizon but not much. Fingers crossed that it will get better. … Read more