The World – They’re Lying: The Earth Is ACTUALLY Headed For An ICE AGE

Yup…the climate is changing. It has done so many times before.  Yes, its getting warmer.  It also has done this many times before.  We are coming out of an ice age.  We are in what is known as an interglacial period.  Between being covered by kilometers thick sheets of ice.

This is a process that has happened at least four, maybe five times in our planet’s life history.  This is a fact.  The process will continue to happen long after us human have managed to make ourselves extinct. It cannot be stopped.

Why does the planet go through these ice age cycles?  Nobody knows for sure.  They can only guess and there lies the problem.  If you do not know the cause, you cannot try to figure out if there is a way to break the cycle.  What we do know is that, since the ice age cycles have been going on for many millions of years, we humans and the abuse that we have unleashed on our planet, is not the cause.  In fact, we may be delaying the next glacial period a tiny bit.

I believe that all of the “climate change cult”  leaders know this to be true.  Its not possible that they not know.  Then why all of the climate change fear mongering?  Money and control.  Its all about transferring money from your pocket into the pockets of governments, local and global,  as well as corporations and the elites that own them.  The goal is to have you starving while freezing in the dark.  That is the end game.

Notice that the elites have no intention of giving up their private jets all the while telling you that you can’t have a vehicle that is not electric powered. They build huge mansions on the coasts all the while warning us about oceans levels rising. Cruise ships are still a thing even though they pump more carbon into the atmosphere that all of the vehicles in Europe annually.

Carbon tax.  Its just a cash grab PLUS it increase prices on everything you buy. Everything is transported by truck, train or plane. All run on fossil fuels.

You heat your homes with fossil fuels.

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