Thunder Bay – Monday

Hmmm…. Looks like we have a collector at work.  One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

We have a nice sunrise shaping up this morning.


We have some reds


Glowing reds, oranges and yellows

You can see where the sun is going to make its appearance.

With the low clouds at the horizon, the sun will be appearing from behind a veil.

Well, there it is, sort of.

and so the day begins

Smell the glove.

Not sure how someone forgets a bag full of skating equipment Oh well, they give this stuff away to kids for free nowadays.

More forgotten stuff.

Almost made it INTO the trash can.  Sooo close.

Some stashed their skates here?

I like the pattern that the cracks in the ice produce.

Why is this person allowed to park his truck here?  It appears that the person works in the Baggage Building.  A city employee?

Here you can see the situation.  The truck is parked at the foot of the walkway leading from the pedestrian overpass.  There is a pedestrian crosswalk in the area as well.  Does the person have to park there?  No. There is a parking lot maybe a two minute walk from this location.

I can see vehicles using this area to load/unload Baggage Building stuff.  Its not a full time parking space.  Nobody is allowed to park on that side of the road at all. There are plenty of signs stating that fact.  Its too close to the pedestrian crosswalk. This is a place where people cross into the park. Not all use the crosswalk.

I believe the vehicle also blocks the view of traffic approaching the crosswalk from the south.  Our high salaried residents of City Hall need to deal with this BEFORE someone gets hurt.  Use the parking lot!

Another section of glass in the pedestrian overpass  is under fire.  One is still covered with plywood.  This one soon will be.  I think the City of Thunder Bay should close the overpass.  Vandalism is getting out of hand.  Close it and have people use the level crossing at Camelot Street.

Its obvious that the POSs that hang around the overpass urinating and breaking glass have zero fear of any punishment whatsoever.   Close it down.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context.