Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mostly clear sky. We will see the sun this morning.

I like the pastel look

Some red showing up


Here comes the colour


Not bad.

The sun is close

There it is.  Did you know that when you see the sun clear the horizon, it is an optical illusion?   Sunrises and sunset are the same.  At sunset, when you see the sun touch the horizon, it has already set. This optical illusion results from atmospheric refraction, which causes the Sun’s light to be bent, making it appear higher in the sky than it physically is.

and so the day begins

I don’t think that city has a solid grasp on how to use a park trash can.   This is close though.

Quite the clouds

I remember a time when something like this was never needed.

Trash in context

A first for me.  Now that scientists have created the “Frankentit” will these things still be required in the future?  Parents will be able to share the breast-feeding chores.

Trash in context

A window at the former Thunder Bay restaurant.  The place has been sealed up for more than a decade.  I can only imagine what is going on in there.  I am sure that a new ecosystem has evolved inside.  There might be organisms living in there never before seen by anyone.