Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Valentines Day

Another overcast morning.  Not going to see any sunrise today.  Trash in context

The view out on the lake this morning. The giant is out there somewhere.

By the time I got around to Pier 1, the giant appeared.

Snow flurries out there.

As colourful as things got.

I wonder if the employees of the firm that supplies the park with the portable pit toilets ever get tired of fishing these things out of the toilet’s pit?  Clean then off and everything just to have a member of the city’s growing population of POSs  through it back in the pit?  Must be frustrating.  Or maybe they don’t care?

Still trying to figure out what this was supposed to be.  Bowling?

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

Trash in context.  What was in the cup?

Finally someone has found a use for those posts installed several years ago at the intersection of Bay and Court Streets.  What’s in the bag?  I have no idea.

Trash in context

an AI produced Valentine’s Day card