Thunder Bay – Monday – Carnival Monday

Snow flurries. No spectacular sunrise today. The weather conditions are not compatible with the kind of photography I do.  Sigh…

Not the first time that I have seen this.  Every portable pit toilet in Marina Park has one of these signs posted showing when the thing was last serviced.   For some reason, one of the City of Thunder Bay’s growing population of POSs has taken it on them him/her/? self to toss that sign into the pit of the toilet.  Why?  Because.  Just because. No reason other than that. Just because.   No penalty for doing this.  Soooo why not.  POSs do what POSs do.


Small snow sculptures  Not sure what this was supposed to be.  Has it been vandalized?   I don’t know.  Probably has something to do with the Ontario Winter Games  starting  this weekend.


This one is still in one piece.

Trash in context

Since the photos are lacking today, I figure I will add some AI created images….

Painting of a Great Horned Owl

Prairie sunset