The World – Nations Around The Globe Are Rapidly Retreating From The Gender Dogma Promoted By The AMA And Other Top Medical Organizations.

Alberta’s new transgender rules: From restricted treatments to pronouns and parental rights

As of right now, the age of majority in Canadian provinces is at least 18 years old.   At that point, the person is considered an adult and is free from parental control.  They are no longer the responsibility of the parents.   Once a person turns 18, they can do whatever they want. They can make their own decisions.

I think its reasonable to not allow any top or bottom surgeries until the person has turned 18.  No hormone treatments.  No puberty blockers.   Nothing until the person turns at least 18 years of age.

If people want to change that, then lets change everything….Lest allow children to buy and use tobacco products.   Any age.  From one week old onwards.  Lets allow children to buy and use alcoholic products.   Go into bars.    Gambling.  No age restrictions on anything. Movies?  No age restrictions.  Drugs? If its legal, then yes!  Pornography?  No age restrictions.  Drive a car?  Sure why not?   Get married?   Sure.   If they want to, let them.  Its their right.  Its a human right.  And I agree.

You cannot say that a person is mature enough to make a decision as serious as permanently changing their gender and not allow them to make other choices that also can effect their mental and physical health.   I think its all or nothing.