Thunder Bay – Saturday – The Day the Music Died Anniversary

Not sure what the people in the Water Street fire hall are doing with water outside of the building…

but they better keep it off the sidewalk.  That water turns to ice t night making life even more difficult for city pedestrians.  I know that pedestrians in the city are at the bottom of the transportation food chain.  Nobody gives a damn about them.  Still, it would be nice if somebody tried to care…even a little bit?

Clear sky this morning.  I know what this sunrise is going to look like.  I have seen many before.

Starts with this. Nice.

We have some low lying mist or fog. Looks cool.

Sometimes the opposite sky has some color going on.    Best not ignore it.

Here comes the sun. It was only a couple of weeks ago that the sun rose to the right of the giant. It is moving left quite quickly.

Took a bunch of these.  Why not?

and so the day begins

Lots of animal tracks out there.

Some birds hanging around the open water.  The gulls will coming into town to nest soon.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context

You don’t want water to be to smart.  Personally. I like dumb water.   It does what water is supposed to do.   It is not plotting to take over the world.