Canada – Lakehead University Student Union Slams Cap On Student Visas

Lakehead University Student Union slams cap on student visas The president of the student union at Lakehead University is speaking out against the federal government’s decision to cap the number of international student visas it issues. The move, announced Monday, means Ontario will have to cut its intake of foreign students in half for at … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Data Privacy Week

Amazing…our high salaried residents of City Hall replaced the non-functioning damaged pedestrian crossing l button post that was severely damaged. The pedestrian crossing button posts were installed a few years ago but were never operational. Sooo now there is a new non-functional pedestrian crossing button post at the intersection of Bay and Court Street.  I … Read more

Canada – Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional

  Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional Canada’s Federal Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional. “I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness — justification, transparency and intelligibility … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Dance of the Seven Veils Day

Another great day to be a pedestrian in Thunder Bay. Have to clear the snow off the streets.  If the plow throws the street snow onto the sidewalk, then that sucks for people using the sidewalk.   And so it goes in Thunder Bay. The Pool 6 trail is not being maintained during the winter.  If … Read more

Ontario – Youth Continue Legal Fight Against PC Government For Failure To Reduce Carbon Emissions & Mitigate Harm

Youth continue legal fight against PC government for failure to reduce carbon emissions & mitigate harm Seven youths from across Ontario came together this week to appeal an earlier ruling by the province’s Superior Court that dismissed a legal claim they filed against the PC government for its alleged failure to protect them against the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Sweatpants Day

All quiet on the construction site of the “mistake on the lake” . The workers are going to enjoy the warmer temps tomorrow.  Well, warmer than its been for a while anyway. No traffic at this time of the day, especially on a Sunday. Sky shows some promise but I am not overly hopeful. Some … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Take A Walk Outdoors Day

Very clear morning sky today The sun is back there Water bottle photo Kelly’s on the scene.  A very popular brand of rotgut fortified wine in Thunder Bay. Its popularity has more to do with price and alcohol content versus taste.  More bang for the buck. If all you want to do is get drunk … Read more