Thunder Bay – Thursday – National Irish Coffee Day

This building has looked like this for a year? now.  Maybe its time the owner of the building do something about it?   It looks like crap.

Ahhh yes, city crews clear the sidewalk and then a plow jockey clearing a private parking lot arrives on the scene.  The life of a pedestrian in Thunder Bay.  The city’s motto should be ‘Own a car? No? Then F*** Off’

Made a nice mess.

Once again,  the same story.

Another overcast morning.  Warm though with flurries

I guess there is a reason why the city is not pushing building owners to deal with plywood glass replacement.  The City of Thunder Bay does the same thing.  This is in plain view of the Delta Waterfront Hotel.   Looks like crap and visitors to the city get to see it from their hotel room

I know that I have photographed these before but they look cool.

The snow is now perfect for this activity.

Nothing going on out there.

Lots of orange still left there.  Must have got it for free.  You pay for something, you are going to eat all of it.  Just the peel remaiing.

Algoma and Dufferin intersection

Looks like some work is going to be done on this patch.

More snow flung back onto the sidewalk by the street plow.