Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Data Privacy Week

Amazing…our high salaried residents of City Hall replaced the non-functioning damaged pedestrian crossing l button post that was severely damaged. The pedestrian crossing button posts were installed a few years ago but were never operational.

Sooo now there is a new non-functional pedestrian crossing button post at the intersection of Bay and Court Street.  I have seen someone push the button you can see on the left side of the photo expecting it to do something when in reality, they do not work.  I wonder how many people have done the same thing?  Could the City of Thunder Bay made them operational?  Sure but what fun would that be?

Another non-sunrise morning.

Propane truck waiting in the boat launch parking lot.  Is it going to deliver propane to the construction site of the “net carbon neutral”  centrally located waterfront art gallery?

Construction site of the “net carbon neutral” , centrally located waterfront art gallery.

Trash in context

Parking fees coming to Marina Park next summer. No mention of parking in the Pier 1 parking lot though.  People are using it when the marina is closed.

The view today

In Marina Park, pedestrian crossings are not maintained over the winter.  They are not cleared of snow.

The stairs leading from the hotel pedestrian crosswalk into the park is also not maintained.  There is no way for someone from the hotel to walk down to the park trail without having to climb over large snowbanks or forced to walk a long way around.

These crosswalks need to be cleared of snow. They are marked crosswalks

Why are they not cleared of snow?

Another crosswalk that is not maintained

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context. Ensure….lots of sugar in it.

Our high salaried residents of City hall need to do something about buildings that are not maintained.  Buildings that have plywood instead of glass.   A bylaw limiting the amount of time that plywood can be used before the glass is replaced.

This stuff looks like crap and reflects badly on the city as a hole and the downtown cores specially.  Cruise ships bring tourists and the city should look its best.

Trash in context

Sigh….sidewalks are cleared and then graders come along… Not fun for the elderly.