The World – Fiddling While Rome Burns

Listen to the first 15 or 20 minutes and you will get a good understanding of the problem.

I have mentioned this before.  Our electricity grid, on which our civilization totally dependent, is vulnerable to being wiped out by a Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun.  Something that can happen on any given day, at any given time. Something that WILL happen at some point. There is a 100% chance of that happening.  The only question is when.

Instead of working to try and make the grid more robust, upgrade it, install some protective devises, we are making ourselves even MORE dependent on the grid by mandating EVs for transportation.  Is there any system in the world that does not depend on electricity?  Even one?

Now imagine the world if all of the electricity just disappeared.  All of the electricity grid was shutdown.  Not for just a few hours. Not for just a few days.  But for years.

Replacement parts?  Manufacturing parts for the electricity grid is dependent on electricity.  That would not be possible.  We would be sent back to the world that exited before electricity.

Billions of people would die.

What is our government doing about this threat?  The answer is nothing. Nada. Zip, Zero.

“Climate Change”, if it does exist as the threat that the Cultists keep chanting, would not be anywhere near the threat to humanity as a kill shot from the sun. Its not even close.

The whole “Climate Change” thing is about money.  Taking money out of your pocket and mine and giving it to the corporations and the billionaires that control them.   It has nothing to do with protecting anyone.