Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Peculiar People Day (US)

A couple of centuries of experience dealing with snow clearing on city streets and sidewalks and we get this.  We have a competition between the road clearing crew and the sidewalk clearing crew .  One pushed the snow one way and the other pushes it back. This happens several times over several days after a snowfall.

Then there is the windrow of snow left between the sidewalk and street that is an obvious design issue. All of the snow should be pushed to the side  away from the street  If properly designed, a grader can plow both street and sidewalk simultaneously.  I know that this will not be feasible on every street in the city but it would be on many.

This is unacceptable. I know that in the mind of the high salaried residents of City Hall, pedestrians the bottom of the propriety list when it comes to transport infrastructure.  Cycles on the sidewalks are common now.


Is this as good as it gets?

and then there are the parking lot snow clearing operations.

Some colour in the morning sky today.

Not the best but I will take it.


You can see where the sun is rising.  Its getting closer again to the giant.

The sun is in there somewhere.


and so the day begins

Sigh…the city’s growing population of POSs hang around this spot in Marina Park.  Looks like shit.  Degusting.

There are too many people in this city that have no stake in the city’s success.  They could care less because their needs are being met by the kindness of strangers. There is no punishment for vandalism soo why stop.  Nothing better to do that deface or break things.

You know its perfectly legal to consume alcoholic beverages in Marina Park. People do it all the time.  I have never seen anyone stopped.

Trash in context.