Thunder Bay – Tuesday – International Choreographers Day

The joys of being a pedestrian in Thunder Bay.  Sidewalks turn into an obstacle course come winter.  I can’t imagine a disabled pedestrians trying to get from point A to point B  with city workers throwing snow back onto freshly plowed sidewalks.  Then there are the wall of snow produced by graders at every intersection of sidewalk and street that must be scaled.  In the photo above, you can see the snow thrown on the previously snow free  sidewalk by the recent road snow clearing operation. Taxpayers pay to remove the snow then pay to throw it back.

Then there is the Water Street Fire Station parking lot snow clearing operation that ends up blocking the sidewalk.  Could this be avoided?  Yes. Easily if the plow jockey actually cared.

It happens all the time after a snowfall.  The more snow, the larger the pile of snow blocking the sidewalk.

Not many photo opportunities this morning because of the snow.

The view out on the lake today. Nothing to see.

The above photo was taken yesterday. Algoma Street at Dufferin.

This photo take today. There….fixed.