Thunder Bay – Saturday – World Day of War Orphans

Well, all of you that wanted it snow, I hope you are happy.  You got your bloody snow.  Hurray! Yippee!

Now you can see how important that sign warning traffic  of a median is.  Without the sign, you cannot tell the median is there.

Drifting snow.

Ah yes. The Water Street fire station.  I love how their parking lot snow clearing operation ALWAYS pushes snow onto the sidewalk.  The plow jockey could avoid doing this if he/she/?  gave a shit about us pedestrians but that is not the case.

It gets even worse.  I have seen this done even after the sidewalk plow had cleared the snow from the sidewalk.  Thunder Bay pedestrians are always faced with challenges in the winter when trying to navigate the city’s sidewalk network. Snow windrows at crosswalks are common.

Parking lot snow clearing operations pushing snow onto a sidewalk needs to be something our high salaried residents of City Hall need to take a hard look at.   Taxpayers pay to clear snow from sidewalks. If a snow plow operator clearing a parking lot or driveway of snow needs to understand that blocking sidewalks is forbotten in the City of Thunder Bay.  As of now, that is not the case.

Pedestrians must not be required to walk through large piles of snow just to get from point A to Point B.

Some of the city’s POSs have been busy down at Marina Park’s fountain ice surface.  A bench thrown out onto the ice. Hahahaha.  What a bunch of jokers. Hahahaha.

This would make a great photo except for all of the crap in the background.

Clean it up and you get this. This is what the scene SHOULD look like.  That is, if the people who install things in the park took a look at what they are doing and how it affects the scene.  Photographers need to be involved in park design.  Where things are placed.  How to not screw up the view.   The view is what Marina Park is all about.

