Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Last Day In January

Might see some sun today. Low cloud and fog with little to no high clouds will not produce a spectacular sunrise but maybe something decent? All the colur there was So there is the sun Here it comes and so the day begins Work continues on the mistake on the lake. The net carbon neutral, … Read more

The World – Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say

Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say To preserve a “livable planet,” the Earth can’t warm more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the United Nations warns. Failure to maintain that level could lead to several catastrophes, including increased droughts and weather-related disasters, more heat-related illnesses and deaths, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary

Nice colour in the morning sky today Its been a while since I have seen anything like this. Not going to see the sun this morning Work continues on the “mistake on the lake”. the $57 million and counting “net carbon neutral” , centrally located waterfront art gallery. The sun tried to make an appearance … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – World Leprosy Day

Another overcast morning. Cooler than yesterday. Sunday mornings are quiet. Not much traffic. Its been like this for the past three mornings. Trash in context.  I remember when this brand of beer was only available in western US. I keep thinking on how our high salaried residents of City Hall take the length of the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – World Breast Pumping Day

Shadows Trash in context Another overcast morning.  Much the same as yesterday morning. Still warm. There was some colour in the sky but that’s as good as it got. Gloves for your shoes. Water bottle photo The latest north core business to have a plywood window.   A smash and grab?    No fear of getting … Read more

Canada – Ongoing Suicide Crisis That Has Gripped Youth In First Nations

“We have work to do”: Fiddler Officials from the federal government and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) gathered in Ottawa on Jan. 24 to discuss the ongoing suicide crisis that has gripped youth in First Nations across the province and the country. Chiefs from NAN-represented First Nations were all in attendance. Four federal ministers were also … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – International Customs Day

Another overcast morning.  Not going to see the sun today.  Its warm though Someone made some changes to the snowperson. This is what it looked like yesterday. Trash in context Trash in context.  People still wearing these? Trash in context Trash in context Trash in context Trash in context.  Lots of empty beer cans around.

Thunder Bay – Thursday – National Irish Coffee Day

This building has looked like this for a year? now.  Maybe its time the owner of the building do something about it?   It looks like crap. Ahhh yes, city crews clear the sidewalk and then a plow jockey clearing a private parking lot arrives on the scene.  The life of a pedestrian in Thunder Bay.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Council Looking To Address $13M Infrastructure Deficit

Council looking to address $13M infrastructure deficit A report presented to council shows the city’s core assets are facing an annual infrastructure deficit of $13 million – with an overall deficit of more than $30 million. On Tuesday night administration laid out the city’s asset management plan, which looks at core infrastructure such as roads, … Read more