Thunder Bay – Saturday –

Update on yesterday’s missing “Keep right around median” sign.   Action has taken place. A small traffic cone has been placed at the site of the sign. –

Problem solved.  Why have a sign when placement of a damaged traffic cone will do.   Much cheaper.   Will the sign be replaced next week?  Next spring?  Summer?  We will keep you posted.  Your tax dollars at work.

The dusting of snow that fell overnight makes it much brighter outside before the sun makes its appearance

No sun is going to show up this morning.  City lights bouncing off of the low clouds

Noticed this piece of art discarded on the Pool 6 trail.  It has a some snow on it.   People on a dock?

As good as it got this morning.

CCGS Alexander Henry

Fallen mitten


Trash in context

What’s with that tall grass?   I do not understand.  It looks like crap.   We paid someone to come up with the idea that this tall grass looks GOOD?   And we can’t afford to run buses on holidays but we have money to plant this ugly grass?

Trash in context.

There are POSs in this city that think this is attractive.  Of course, there is nothing anyone can do as vandalism is no longer considered a crime.  There is no punishment.  Victims have zero recourse for compensation for damage to property.

Why stop doing this?   There is not incentive to quit.  Lots of carrot but no stick.  We need some stick.

Our city is in a downward spiral.  The Welfare Industrial Complex is the only industry that is growing at the expense of taxpayers.