Thunder Bay – Friday – International Cello Day

Not where this sign should be located.

It is supposed to be located on the end of the median to warn approaching traffic of this traffic hazard.  A very important thing.  I would think that replacing the sign will be of prime importance in a city that cares about the safety of the driving public.  Lat time this sign was missing, it took well over a year for someone to replace it.  Lets see how long this one takes.  I should do a pool. I wonder if the city can be sued by anyone who hits that median if the sign is not replaced in a timely matter?

Clear sky this morning.  You need some clouds to get the real amazing sunrises.

Still some geese passing through.

Here comes the sun

Frost this morning

Not sure what this means. No Druids in sight.  Still, its a nice shot.

2023 coming to an end and the scenery looks like late October?

I have not seen a painted rock for a while.   Someone left this here.

Trash in context. It was kind of the person to leave this here with a trash can located only 10 metres away.

Trash in context

Took this photo

Went into Photoshop and cleaned it up to look like this