Thunder Bay – Thursday – Holy Innocents Day

Bay and Court Street intersection.  The sad thing is that none of these were ever functional.  We paid for the installation for the pedestrian crossing pushbutton posts on all four corners of the intersection. They were never connected.  Now all of them are damaged to the point that they will have to be replaced before they can ever be used.

Sooo we can’t afford to run public transit on New Years Day but we can spend money installing infrastructure that we never use AND allow that unused infrastructure to be destroyed.  Yup, a city on the decline. When a city the size of Thunder Bay can’t afford public transit, one of many basic service provided by cities through taxes,  you know its time to stick a fork in i because its done.

Looks like we will see the sun this morning.


Where the sun will make its appearance.

and here it is

and so the day begins

A goose had a very bad day.

More discarded food item. Why not finish it?

Water bottle photo