The World – Amendments To The International Health Regulations 2

Dr. Meryl Nass returns from 27 days of international advocacy to catch up with James Corbett on evidence of the WHO’s house of cards is collapsing worldwide. It’s no wonder that countries like Slovakia, Estonia, Romania, New Zealand, South Africa + more are rejecting the IHR amendments amid the WHO’s December deadline, “It’s the perfect system of control .. This story is so horrendous, all it needs is a few sparks in the right place, and the fire will come.” After all — would YOU give a blank check to an organization with no accountability?

Not hearing anything in our news about what Canada is doing about the WHO’s HHR amendments amid the December deadline.  Is our government willing to hand over all control over your health to an unelected  and unaccountable organization?   Seems so.

I don’t think that many Canadians are even aware that this is happening.  I think its a big deal.

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