Thunder Bay – Sunday – Human Rights Day (Do We Have any Rights Left?)

Another overcast morning.  Still, the clouds appear to have lighter and darker areas sooo maybe something will happen.

One minute long exposure. That light  is a ship at anchor, not the sun. No sun today.

Another long exposure.

Striped clouds

Not looking like there is going to be anything happening colour wise.

Later, this happened.

Some colour did appear

Its nice that the poo bags are brightly coloured.  They add some pop on a dull overcast day.  You can always count on trash to liven things up colour wise.   Trash: The mult- coloured tapestry of  an urban society.


Not sure what makes the clouds do this.  Wind I guess.

and then there was a pair of discarded socks.   A big hole. But why remove them here?   What goes on in someone’s brain that makes removing clothing on a sidewalk in December seem like a good idea?