Thunder Bay – Saturday – International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime

Another overcast morning so there will not be any sunrise photos .

Thought I would throw a few black and white conversions in the mix.

As bright as things got during the sunrise

Not a lot of colour in Marina Park but there is this.  The waterfront hotel. Does the hotel still owe the city taxes?  A lot of taxes.

Sooo I loaded this photo into Photoshop…

and created this.

Whatever ice was around last week is now almost all gone. The snow as well.  I see green grass around now.  Might be able to get another lawn mow in this year.  Maybe Christmas Day.  That would be cool…cutting grass on Christmas Day.  Fingers crossed.

Still a lot of meat on them bones.  The person obviously did not pay for that apple.

Dryden Ice Dogs hockey club’s bus.

Trash in context.  Souvenirs of Friday night in the north downtown core.  Hardcore drinkers do not limit their alcohol consumption to only licensed establishments.   In Thunder Bay, alcohol can be consumed anywhere. Indoor, outdoor. Morning, noon and night.  It does not matter.