Thunder Bay – Monday – International Cheetah Day

Another morning with a sliver of unclouded sky along the horizon

The sun

Wide angle photos

and so the day begins

Santa appears at the site of the future “net carbon zero” waterfront art gallery.   The suit might need some tailoring.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

Are you missing a pom-pom?

Trash in context

This is another reason why this city will never be great.  This is in the Court Street section that was constructed this year. Paving stones were carefully placed on the boulevards.  Taxpayers paid for that work.

Then, along comes Synergy North replacing poles.  Sooo, in order to do this, they make a mess of the stone work that was done earlier last summer.

This pole replacement work SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE BEFORE THE ROAD CONSTRUCTION.!!!!   Doing it afterwards is insane.

The City of Thunder Bay owns Synergy North.   Synergy North needs to be told that this work scheduling is not acceptable.

Another example of pole replacement in the section of Court Street that was completed only a few years ago.

Ahhh..we have the makings of an urban dump site.   Vermin will love this.

Trash in context.