Thunder Bay – Sunday – New Years Eve

Typical Thunder Bay snow clearing operations. Snow plow pushes snow off of street onto sidewalk.  Sidewalk plow pushes snow back out onto street.  Did the Fire Station plow push some snow onto the street as well?   Looks like that happened. Pool 6 trail. Is it going to be cleared of snow?    I hope so. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday –

Update on yesterday’s missing “Keep right around median” sign.   Action has taken place. A small traffic cone has been placed at the site of the sign. – Problem solved.  Why have a sign when placement of a damaged traffic cone will do.   Much cheaper.   Will the sign be replaced next week?  Next spring?  Summer?  We … Read more

Thunder Bay – City Welcomes Growth To Foster Prosperity. Just Don’t Depend On Public Transit To Be Operating On Holidays

City welcomes growth to foster prosperity City manager Norm Gale said Thunder Bay is in relatively good shape at the end of 2023 with some positive indicators. The local economy from the City of Thunder Bay’s perspective is somewhat bright and promising but there is work to be done. City manager Norm Gale said Thunder … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – International Cello Day

Not where this sign should be located. It is supposed to be located on the end of the median to warn approaching traffic of this traffic hazard.  A very important thing.  I would think that replacing the sign will be of prime importance in a city that cares about the safety of the driving public.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – Holy Innocents Day

Bay and Court Street intersection.  The sad thing is that none of these were ever functional.  We paid for the installation for the pedestrian crossing pushbutton posts on all four corners of the intersection. They were never connected.  Now all of them are damaged to the point that they will have to be replaced before … Read more

The World – Wall Street Is Coming For Your Digital Money!

 Jimmy interviews security expert and writer Whitney Webb about the prospects for a centralized digital currency and why Wall Street would prefer to force a currency controlled by the banks rather than a decentralized version like Bitcoin. What does the future of humankind look like?  Imagine a world where every second of your life … Read more

Ontario -Indigenous Students In Ontario Still Face Inequities

Indigenous students in Ontario still face inequities Indigenous students in Ontario still have lower attendance and graduation rates and are suspended twice as often as their non-Indigenous peers. The educational outlook was released recently in two reports examining long-standing education gaps by the Chiefs of Ontario, a regional organization representing 133 chiefs. Around 67 per … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Boxing Day

It would be nice to see the sun again, if not for a few hours.  This weather sucks.  Yes, the temps are nice but the damp, gloom is depressing . Looking for colour on a day lacking in colour.  Containers on a train at the Pearl Street crossing. Yes, I photographed one of thse lights … Read more