Thunder Bay – Saturday – Remembrance Day

I know I photograph the same things every morning but there are limited things to photograph at this time of day. Besides, its good practice.  The lights do look nice. Another overcast morning. As good as the sunrise gets There is some colour in the distant horizon . Those people are lucky. Looks like a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – Make Things Easier Day

Not going to see any kind of sunrise this morning. At least its not raining….or snowing. Pole watch…Nothing happening so far MV Ocean Castle at Richardson’s As good as it got this morning. I noticed that the water’s edge was further out than usual. The last rose in Marina Park?  Will it reach full bloom?  … Read more

The World – More Truth About Dealing With “Climate Change”

Its obvious to anyone who takes a look that what our government is doing to meet “climate change reduction goals”  is a waste of time and money.  Money taken out of the pockets of consumers and taxpayers….at the point of a gun. Canada can go completely emissions free which would make almost zero difference to … Read more

The World – Why Do EV’s Need To Be So Big?

 How is building EVs that absolutely huge doing anything to help the environment?  Over two tonnes of material produced using fossil-fuel. Remember back in the day when Japanese cars first came to the North American market?  They were popular. Why?  They were small and affordable.  Fuel economy was great.  People loved them. If the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – World Town Planning Day

Overcast, wet, drizzly, slushy morning.  No hope in hell to see any sun today. Not many others out at this time of the morning. Waterfront hotel. I always wondered why did they not install lights that had the ability to change colours?  Maybe they can but this is the only colour I see every morning. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – International Games Week

Still plugging away on replacing this light pole that has been missing for a very long, long, long time.  I think the goal is to drag the work out until there is a large dump of snow just to make the work more difficult. We have a mostly clear sky this morning With clouds hanging … Read more

Canada – Who Is Buffy Sainte- Marie?

 Hmmmmm….interesting Who is the real Buffy Sainte-Marie? The Fifth Estate does a very deep dive into the question of Buffy Sainte- Marie’s  Canadian Indigenous heritage.  Turns out that her birth record said Beverly Jean Santamaria, who started going by the name Buffy Sainte-Marie early in her music career, was born in 1941 in Stoneham, … Read more