Thunder Bay – Friday – Systems Engineer Day

A train was stopped while disconnecting its grain cars.  It was pitch dark and the train had its high beams on. I was surprised anything turned out as I was hand holding the camera. The engineer cut the high beams which allowed me to get this photo. Cold morning. The wind was brutal.  My much … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – National Margaret Day

Biting cold wind this morning.  There are some clouds soo things can go either way. Noticed this on the shoreline.  I was expecting it to take off.  I would then have my first UFO photo.  It just laid there soo I expect its jaust another piece of junk that washed ashore.  Still, it could be … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – World Television Day

Mostly overcast with a slight drizzle. Not expecting much today as far as sunrises go. The water is relatively calm making for some nice reflections Seeing this makes the day worthwhile.   This is an immature Bald Eagle.  It takes 5 years to get the white head. Some colour on the horizon did finally appear That … Read more

The World – Israel Killing Its Own Citizens

Israel admits it killed its own at Nova music festival An Israeli police investigation into the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival near the Gaza border on 7 October revealed that an Israeli attack helicopter killed some of the attendees, Haaretz reported on 18 November. According to a police source, an investigation into the incident showed that … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – International Hug A Runner Day

Sigh….there was one. Now there are four.  Its spreading like some viral pandemic. Some colour early. Could be a good sign. Nice clouds around. We got some intense reds Colours fading Nice As good as it got. Starting to fade The sun is there…behind some clouds The sun is in there somewhere Water bottle photo. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Men’s Day

Tree shadow Clear sky this morning Some distant clouds over the horizon Another ship coming into the bay Looks like its floating in the air There is the sun and so the day begins   Saturday night in Marina Park.  Did I mention that the consumption of alcohol in the park is OK with the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Housing Targets Mean What Exactly?

City sells bold vision for 2,100 new homes in 3 years City leaders say with significant federal support, talk of a new housing boom in Thunder Bay could be more than just hype. City leaders broadcast a striking optimism that Thunder Bay is set for a population and housing boom at a Friday press conference. … Read more