Thunder Bay – Friday – Systems Engineer Day

A train was stopped while disconnecting its grain cars.  It was pitch dark and the train had its high beams on. I was surprised anything turned out as I was hand holding the camera.

The engineer cut the high beams which allowed me to get this photo.

Cold morning. The wind was brutal.  My much suffering main camera finally decided it had enough.   It started misbehaving and I was forced to shut it down BEFORE the sun made it over the giant. I did not bring a spare,  these photos are all I was able to take.

Luckily, no once in a lifetime photo opportunity presented itself.  Sunrise was nothing special anyway.  I did not see Elvis.  No UFOs or space aliens.  No wildlife.

When you take a 30 second exposure, the ripples in the water and the clouds are blurred .  Looks interesting.

and then the camera quit.