Thunder Bay – Anti-Poverty Groups Scramble To Find Winter Shelter For Homeless

I have a solution, a permanent solution to the problem of what to do with the “unhoused”.  I am surprised nobody has thought of it before, especially all of the bleeding heart anti-poverty groups and their supporters.  They can adopt them.

Yes, adopt an “unhoused” person. Take one or two home with you.  Give them a place to sleep, feed and cloth them.  Make sure they are clean.

I am sure that people who are soo worried about finding shelter for the “unhoused” have a couch that someone can sleep on. Maybe a spare bedroom.  Maybe a basement that can be made into a spare bedroom.  Provide meals, clothing, and whatever the “unhoused” adoptee needs forever.  Yes, forever because that is how long these people will need to be taken care of.  They ain’t looking for a job.  They ain’t trying to get training or and education to better their situation.  Nope.  They are taking advantage of a system that its very existence encourages people to be “unhoused” . Encourages people to be unemployed and stay that way.  In other words, the anti-poverty groups and their supporters are enablers funded by the taxpayer.

Yes, there are some people who REALLY need help BUT not all of them.  Of that I am sure.  Also, I believe that we taxpayers need to expect something in return for the handout or hand-up.  In return, I expect the person or persons to try and better their situation.  Its not too much to ask.  I am sure that the goal of these ant-poverty organizations and their supporters is to help the “unhoused” become hard working, taxpaying citizens.  Clean, sober contributors to the community. I’m not seeing that.

There was a time when all of these groups were charity driven.  Funded by charitable donations.  Run by unpaid volunteers.  Not anymore.  Now, there is a Welfare Industrial Complex all funded by the taxpayer and it just keeps getting bigger and more expensive.  There are givers and takers.  When the takers outnumber the givers, our country is in big trouble.

Its always easy to demand that the taxpayers cough up s much cash as these ant-poverty groups and their supporters deem necessary but to step up themselves and adopt a “unhoused peep?   Nooooooooooo.

Once again, I must mention that all of these antipoverty groups depend on the “unhoused”  to provide them with a job.  No “unhoused” no job.

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