Thunder Bay – Thursday – National Margaret Day

Biting cold wind this morning.  There are some clouds soo things can go either way.

Noticed this on the shoreline.  I was expecting it to take off.  I would then have my first UFO photo.  It just laid there soo I expect its jaust another piece of junk that washed ashore.  Still, it could be a UFO.

The sun is making its way above the horizon.  Lots of clouds.

Some colour appearing in the clouds.

The sun makes its appearance. I think this as good as its going to get this morning.

As you can see that there was some colour in the clouds but they were all crowded along the horizon.


and so the day begins

I am surprised at how many dandelions are still busy doing whatever they do.

You can see just how many there are.

I think this is a female Hooded Merganser.

Male Hooded Merganser and male Goldeneye

Discarded bicycle. Its been there for its second day.  Free to anyone who wants it, I guess.

When desperate, the Ontario Government building is always good for a photo or two. The morning sun is what makes this black and white shot.  Nice contrast.

This cup runneth over.  Seeing how the nearest Tim Hortens is a fair distance away, someone went to a lot of trouble to bring the coffee here and spill it, then leave the cup and mess behind.  Very thoughtful of them.  That is one thing you can say about the city’s POSs: they take their job very seriously.