Thunder Bay – Tuesday – World Television Day

Mostly overcast with a slight drizzle. Not expecting much today as far as sunrises go.

The water is relatively calm making for some nice reflections

Seeing this makes the day worthwhile.   This is an immature Bald Eagle.  It takes 5 years to get the white head.

Some colour on the horizon did finally appear

That is all we got this morning.

Could have been worse I guess.  It could have been raining harder.


Is this their Christmas, I mean Holidays cup?

My understanding is that someone with a BB gun or pellet gun had a good time shooting out windows in the north core.

This place got hit hard.  The sad thing is that even if they catch the POSs that did this, little to nothing will happen to them.  I remember that if a kid did this “back in the day”, first the father would whip the kid’s ass. He would whip it REAL good.  Then the father would have to pay to replace/repair the damage to the property. Then the kids would be grounded for a month or so. No television.  PLUS the kid might have to go and apologize to the property owner. The court system was rarely involved for broken windows.   The punishment at home was far worse than any criminal justice system could dispense.

Water bottle photo

Should be completely open after today.  I think that everything that can be done has been done.  Still, who knows?  No traffic lights until next year, I think.

This is a plague in our city. Why our high salaried residents of City Hall allow it is beyond me.  The culprits names are on the posters.

I think it looks like crap and makes a city that is in decline look even worse.


Then there is the abandoned electronics/appliances.  Toaster oven anyone?