Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Men’s Day

Tree shadow

Clear sky this morning

Some distant clouds over the horizon

Another ship coming into the bay

Looks like its floating in the air

There is the sun

and so the day begins


Saturday night in Marina Park.  Did I mention that the consumption of alcohol in the park is OK with the City of Thunder Bay?  I have never seen anyone stop anyone from drinking alcohol in the park.

Looks like its still fresh. Birds might have picked away at some parts

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

Once again,  Urban planters , normally full of colourful annual flowers in full bloom, can be used as trash cans and often are.  Leave it to the local POS population of the City of Thunder Bay to figure this out.  The city is lucky to have them.  What would the city be without its POSs?  Cleaner, much less graffiti and fewer broken windows. That’s what the city would be.

Yes, feral shopping carts are still a thing.