Thunder Bay – Saturday – Married To A Scorpio Support Day

Relatively clear skies this morning.  There is a cloud bank along the horizon.  Not going to see any amazing colour in the sky this morning.

Former CCGS Alexander Henry

There is some colour to the southeast.  It has been the only area in the sky that has had any colour for a few days now.  Lucky people who live over there.

You can see the sunrise reflecting in the windows.

This turned out better than I thought

The few clouds that showed up did produce some colour

The sun is about to make its appearance.

and there it is

In a couple of days. the sun will rise south of the giant.

Looking at this, you would think it was nice and warm.  Tropical almost.  Well, it wasn’t.  It was cold. Not as cold as it will be soon

and so the day begins

Frontend loader tracks…frozen frontend loader tracks


I just noticed how many of the paving stones have sunk.  Lots of them.  I know it been about 13 years or so but still.  Seems like the workmanship is suspect here.  The story of this city.

I believe that as long as these outdoor patio heaters are allowed then the climate crisis cannot be much to worry about.  Burning fossil fuels to heat the entire outdoor patio?  What a joke.

Another Hooded Merganser.

Water bottle photo

Another water bottle.  This one has condensation on the inside.

Planter in Thunder Bay have a use even when the plants have been removed for the winter.  They become trash collectors.

Looks like the can was not completely empty.   I have never disposed of a can of anything unless that can was bone dry.  I sucked every last drop out of the can.

Evaporated milk can. Looks like its been around for a while.

I have never seen this before.  Synergy North is actually removing the old poles.  Normally they leave them until TbayTel moves their plant onto the new poles which takes decades. Maybe longer.

This is anew behaviour.