The World – What The Gaza War Is REALLY About. Oil and Gas and Money Oh My!

Its all starting to make sense now. Oil and gas and hundreds of billions in cash.  Now you see why Israel funded Hamas.  Hamas gave Israel an excuse to take Palestinian oil and gas fields.  And they did.

Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are in the way.  Sooo a reason was needed to clear the land of Palestinians.  Along comes the October attack by Hamas that caught Israel’s world renowned intelligence service along with its extremely capable military machine  completely by surprise.  An attack that was two years in planning.  Thousands of Hamas fighters.  And Israel did not know a thing about it?  Do you think Israel would allow their own citizens to be killed by Hamas just to create a reason to go into Gaza and cleanse the area of Palestinians?  This might be worth a watch.  It might answer your question.

Well now, the cleansing operation is underway.  Palestinians are being shutout of the hundreds of billions of dollars in oil and gas revenue that they were preparing to receive back in 1997.  In 2007, Israel began its blockade of Gaza, taking control of the oil and gas fields.  The Palestinians receive nothing in return but misery, suffering and death.  Seems like a fir trade.

Then there is the proposed canal that Israel wants to build to compete with the Suez Canal.  One end of the canal, the Mediterranean end, would be located near the northern end of Gaza.  Interesting.

None of this is being reported in the mainstream media.  I do not here our government speak of this.  Why?  Money of course. Politics runs on money.

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